After getting round to tidying up records on some early 19th century Cutlock family members, I’ve posted the following item on the Ancestry message board for Norfolk (England). There isn’t a Surname message board for Cutlock, surprise surprise.
Seeing as a search for Cutlock on the Ancestry boards comes up blank, time to start a thread! And give a link to my family history site,
My great grandmother Ann Harriet Cutlock was born 10th December 1858 in Norwich to an unmarried Harriet Cutlock, father unknown. Harriet was born 1840 Norwich, and is easily confused with her cousin Harriet, born 1837 London but otherwise found in Norwich (married James Rallison 1863, 1841/51/61 shown as niece in one of two Cutlock households).
As Cutlock is a rare name I have been checking out any sightings of that surname. Even so I am yet to pin down the connection which makes the two Harriets cousins i.e. the older Harriet’s parents.
One Ancestry member has stated she has found her christening on – 19th November 1837 at St Anne Blackfriars, London, parents Thos and Elizth Cutlock. I can’t find this myself. Instead I am drawn to the fact that an Elizabeth Cutlock, matching the age (and name) of Harriet’s mother shown in the 1871 census, was born to John and Mary Cutlock (about 1807), grandparents of the younger Harriet. Certainly not conclusive that the two Elizabeth Cutlocks are one and the same, though.
Any suggestions on how to resolve this welcome.
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