Neal relations at Cuckoos Cup, The Wrekin

Specialist websites

The main Research Links page covers sites with a specific geographical focus, main subscription sites and lots more.

Also see Cutlock & Co Occupations page.

Peoples, faiths


Living conditions

Poverty, ill-health, consequences


  • Welsh Mormon History site is mainly about those who converted in Wales and migrated to Utah.
  • TheShipsList Find your ancestors on ships’ passenger lists, also immigration reports, newspaper records, shipwreck information, ship pictures, etc.

Criminal, convicts, transportation

  • Digital Panopticon allows you to “search millions of records from around fifty datasets, relating to the lives of 90,000 convicts from the Old Bailey … and to learn more about crime and criminal justice in the past”. Also transportation records, hulks and wider prison registers, ‘Metropolitan Police Register of Habitual Criminals’ and plenty more.
  • Prison History (new 2018) is an online database of prisons in 19th century England, with info on the records available.
  • Our Criminal Ancestors is “a public engagement project that encourages and supports people and communities to explore the criminal past of their own families, communities, towns and regions.”
  • First Fleet – education site from University of Woolongong.
  • Female Convicts Research Centre focuses on Van Diemen’s Land (Tasmania).
  • The various Australian state archives generally have convicts records and guides. Tasmanian archives family history section (was Van Diemen’s Land).

Institutions, education, children




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