Category: America
Tracing the wider Howes diaspora via DNA
Back to 1600s, forwards by train
Back to 1600s, forwards by train Cutlock’s two DNA articles so far have only mentioned Y-DNA testing in the Notes section. Now it’s time to justify the cost of a 37 marker Y-DNA test with FamilyTreeDNA, shortly followed by an upgrade to 111 markers {1}. The initial test {2}, actioned a little later than the more popular autosomal test from Ancestry, was done in the expectation that “the Howes one-name study group … should have quite a few tests from others with Besthorpe relations already there”. » »
Political shocks ruin the inventing business
Glass and electrical innovator crushed by patriotic efforts
Glass and electrical innovator crushed by patriotic efforts It’s not often that you find records concerning a (distant) relative that have been locked away by the state for a hundred years. And even more notable when the story that is uncovered includes political intrigue, Ireland’s fight for independence and a major change in circumstances for said relation. The story is a little tricky to tell, requiring some political background and a careful selection from the pages of material available, while not losing sight of the family » »
The Jearys in sundry Seward stories
More Nebraskan nitty gritty
More Nebraskan nitty gritty This piece delves wider and deeper into local news items not-so-newly available online for Seward, Nebraska, as described in the Cutlock & Co piece Local papers for local people (March 2017). That looked at a family reunion, one listing of local family visits and an obituary. Differing aspects of Jeary pioneers In a simple search for Jeary in Nebraska, press cuttings for brother Edwin, a state senator and prominent person, tend to drown out Robert Jeary. It doesn’t help that he often » »
Local papers for local people
Surprising details in press archives, but also errors
Surprising details in press archives, but also errors A new resource of searchable back editions for various newspapers published in and around Seward county, Nebraska, has appeared online, at the Seward Memorial Library Digital Archives {1}. As mentioned on the Going Abroad section of Cutlock & Co, this is where a number of Watts relatives emigrated to. It didn’t take a great deal of searching to find interesting material. These rural American newspapers certainly go to town on their personal angles. Short items on who is » »
A right Frosdick family for the Barnard bunch
Some quite interesting Ancestry hints
Some quite interesting Ancestry hints Since August I have been slowly clearing a backlog of ‘hints’ generated by the Ancestry site for the HowesWatkinsNealScott tree. These can be useful in pointing up records previously overlooked in researching an individual, but there are also plenty of duff leads and repeats of info already collected. New hints tend to appear in batches and it can be hard to keep up – with an accumulated total of just shy of 16,000 it was getting out of hand! A hard » »