Neal relations at Cuckoos Cup, The Wrekin

Tag: Trask

  • No flight of fancy

    Taking to the air in WW1

    Taking to the air in WW1 I had, until yesterday, concluded from researchs so far that it was unlikely that any family connection had served in the fledgling air services of World War One. But an ‘absent voters list’ entry in 1920 for William George Taylor of 40 Abbotsbury Road, Weymouth, a first cousin of grannie Scott, shows that I was wrong – described as 248748 Pte., R.A.F. As it happens, the ‘Best websites’ review section in the current (February) issue of Who Do You Think  » »

  • Taken to Trask

    Here are the further newspaper cuttings featuring the Trask family in Weymouth and Merriott, as promised in the year-end round-up {1} which included a section on press appearances of George Trask in the archives. George (about 1863 to Feb 1950) became the second husband of two times great aunt Margaret ‘Annie’ Osborne (1874-1941) in 1905. The cuttings range from the seemingly insignificant to rather more serious reports. Damaging Grass, from Western Gazette 21st May 1880, has Uriah Bell, George Rendall and George Trask, young fellows  » »

  • Those the “intended” left behind

    Commemorating the WW1&2 dead

    Commemorating the WW1&2 dead In the remembrance of those killed in the world wars, it is easy to overlook those left behind whose “intended” never returned. Without a marriage record, how do we even know about the impact of such loss? Family notes indicate that great aunt Edie (Neal, born 1887 Norwich) was one such. She is the one looking towards the camera in the masthead photo – taken about 1916, had the worst happened already or was something still dreaded? We don’t know even the  » »

  • In praise of .. Ancestry’s Member Connect Activity feature

    The Ancestry website has a flexible (personalised) front page, where you can arrange or hide various modules showing particular information. I have chosen to have ‘Recent Member Connect Activity’ as the the top left box, which I find a bit addictive. It highlights activity by other Ancestry members connected with records which are on your own tree (or the ‘shoebox’ save-for-later area). There’s something new every week, often most days, usually just showing you who else has some vague interest in a particular person in the  » »