Category: Beasor
The Cutlock review for 2013
The family history research reflected in the Cutlock & Co website may appear to have crawled along in 2013, with only 14 articles (excluding this one), but there has actually been quite a lot of activity behind the scenes. Adding in newly available records, tidying up the notes on already identified individuals, filling in small gaps, and plenty more. Subscribing to FindMyPast has given access to the British Newspaper online archives, with a few interesting results. Here are a few highlights for the Cutlock year. Smiling » »
Freedom of the city comes with a Price (or two)
I wasn’t expecting to come across any family members in the ‘Freedom of the City of London admission papers’ which appeared on Ancestry recently {1}, but I hadn’t counted on the Price family on the sister-in-laws side. It has to be said that there isn’t complete certainty that this is the right line of the family, however – see The Price is right? section below. The first of the bunch to receive his Freedom of the City is Thomas Price, a Commission Agent at 51 Knightrider Street, » »
Stretching a connection to the grave
The Commonwealth War Graves Commission website, for some reason, has never made it to my bookmarks before today. On reading the Death Records feature in the current issue of Who Do You Think You Are? magazine (out in the shops today) I realised it was time for a look. The site has a very useful “Debt of Honour register” {2}, which has a reasonable search facility and connections to further details of the war cemeteries listed. I haven’t found any previously unknown WW1 deaths here » »
The Beasor connection
A fascinating start to 2012 and the addition of a Beasor family page to Cutlock & Co. A cousin to my nephews uploaded some old Beasor photos to following a Christmas visit to his (and their) gran. Almost as soon as I created a link to these on my Ancestry tree, my dad’s second cousin Muriel spotted them and realised she knew this Beasor family. Rear row: on left, Olive and John Long, May Segain. Next row: Alan and Brenda Crace, ?, Ethel Beasor (with » »
Key names Frank Cornelius Beasor born 13 Aug 1903 Deptford, father Thomas Beasor, mother Sarah Jane Gilbert. Married Maude Florence Miller 1926, who died 1949, and married Ethel Taylor in 1950. Died Cornwall 1986. Note: Thomas Beasor b 1861 d 1934, m Sarah Jane Gilbert 22 Dec 1884 Newington and after her death in 1915, m Florence Emily Brown 12 Sep 1918 Deptford. Shown as Thomas William on marriage registration and his children’s baptisms, but on Frank’s birth certificate he is Thomas Henry (there is little » »
Booth’s London survey south of the river
Last night’s Who Do You Think You Are? kicked off with Len Goodman checking out his Bethnal Green roots, and the area’s living conditions through Booth’s survey into life and labour in London (1886-1903). I’ve had the start of a short item on Booth’s survey lurking here for months, so a good time to get it out and give it some attention. Len Goodman’s episode was available on iPlayer. For starters, a link to the London School of Economics website on Booth’s survey. You » »