Category: O’Brien/Farrall
In tune with the times
Music, migration and print
Music, migration and print Further research on the O’Brien and Farrall lines {2} has unsurprisingly revealed more relatives to contact via Ancestry or other means. That’s not really worthy of a written note on Cutlock & Co – but perhaps a musical version instead, as one of these relatives has turned his hand to writing songs. A cousin to “uncle Charles”, he has put together an album’s worth set around their common ancestors’ journey from Ireland to London in the 1840s. Richard O’Brien’s ‘Wherever the » »
Political shocks ruin the inventing business
Glass and electrical innovator crushed by patriotic efforts
Glass and electrical innovator crushed by patriotic efforts It’s not often that you find records concerning a (distant) relative that have been locked away by the state for a hundred years. And even more notable when the story that is uncovered includes political intrigue, Ireland’s fight for independence and a major change in circumstances for said relation. The story is a little tricky to tell, requiring some political background and a careful selection from the pages of material available, while not losing sight of the family » »
Hitting the hundred
Discovered today, the first centenarian in the family tree. She’s an in-law of my aunt, so I won’t start worrying that I might live that long quite yet. I’d discovered the connection before, but not the various dates. Elizabeth Rosina Fordham, born 13th February 1887 Islington, married Theophilus Richard Farrall {1} 1st August 1914 South Tottenham, latest entry on London Electoral Rolls located so far 1936 at 60 Chesterfield Gardens, Tottenham. Died January 1990 in Ipswich or Felixstowe. So she almost reached 103, outliving her children » »
New O’Brien connection gets my vote
A really helpful result from the new London Electoral Registers on Ancestry. I have found the correct name and birth for the sister of my aunt’s husband. It works like this: the extra name Mary Louise O’Brien first appears alongside his parents living at Compton Crescent, Tottenham in 1932, and she is unlikely to be the grandmother as the forenames derive from the mother. So, as women could now vote age 21, she must have been born in 1911, after the census was taken on 2nd » »
The Cutlock wrap for 2011
The traditional year-end review – developments in family history research on Cutlock & Co and the HowesWatkinsNealScott tree {Note 1}. What I wished for At the start of 2011, I wrote Looking ahead to look behind on this site, anticipating what progress might be made over the year. I gave an update half way through the year, when there was already only one significant outstanding item – making a connection with relations from the Cullum family, who shared great great grandmother Harriet Cutlock as an ancestor. » »
Theophilus Farrall shipping agent and electrical inventor
One family connection I hadn’t previously pursued very far was that of my cousin Geoffrey and aunt Irene (Watkins). Their father/husband was Charles O’Brien, revealed to have a middle name of Theophilus on his wife’s death certificate – I have a feeling he hated this name. I had only got a little info on place of birth and parents for Charles. It was likely that a birth registered in 1912, mother Farrell, was his but that was not enough data to go on in » »