Category: Baptism
Wanted: a font of knowledge
Or knowledge of a font
Or knowledge of a font Great gran Amelia doesn’t like making it too easy finding the records of her early days. Not content with her birth certificate being elusive due to a stray H in the surname (recorded as ‘Hosborne’, see image below), the baptism record is proving hard to find too. There is an obvious place to look. Ancestry recently threw up a hint for her younger sister Ellen’s baptism, in April 1880 at Bournemouth’s St Clements, the church closest to the family home in » »
A love is paid
The humble origins of the Vickery line
The humble origins of the Vickery line The parish registers from two hundred years or more ago can be rather basic in terms of the useful genealogical information we can glean. However, some of the quirks and comments of the old free form entries are fascinating, perhaps for baptisms in particular. Previously the Somerset parish records made available online on various sites have only been transcriptions, of varying quality, so the foibles are missing (and probably some parishes and periods too). Ancestry now has added many » »
Hanging by a thread
Discovering the Smith family
Discovering the Smith family Discovering more about the Smith part of the family tree has proved remarkably easy, after having put off looking for ages due to the very common surname. See Entirely to the Water from Birth for first stages. Now it was time to find great great grandmother Harriet Smith’s siblings and their immediate offspring. The practice of using the mother’s (or grandmother’s) surname as a middle name was very helpful – Bacchus for two of the girls, Harper (the grandmother’s name) for one » »
Stacking the Deck with more Cutlocks
I have finally resolved, to my own satisfaction at least, the question posed back in March last year in ‘A matching pair of Elizabeth Cutlocks, or the same person?‘. At the time, a key baptism record which had been spotted on by someone else, for Harriet Cutlock born 1837/38 to Elizabeth and Thomas, could not be located on that site. But I was prompted to re-check the other day – after all the site had updated Norfolk and other parish records this year. » »
Taking the tree further in Brecon and Norwich
This was going to be a very short item about discovering, or re-discovering, useful sources of family history data. But today I took a look at two such, which threw up some immediately relevant material and highlighted an issue on Welsh records. Welsh wills and Welsh names Firstly, I try to adopt the practice of reading just about every scrap in the ‘Who Do You think You Are’ magazine, even if it doesn’t look relevant or promising at the outset. There are often helpful tips and » »
Thomas Cook it
Newly discovered as a great great uncle: Thomas Cook Watts. Born in 1857 Worstead (Norfolk), discovered in the freshly Googled baptism records for St Mary’s. Unfortunately he died in about a year, hence not appearing on the census records. I guess he was named after Captain Cook, rather than a desire for a package holiday. » »