Neal relations at Cuckoos Cup, The Wrekin

A Cullum update

I seem to be continually adding individuals to an expanding family tree, with scarcely a pause for breath. Or to step back and take it all in – a valuable exercise to appreciate the results but also to spot areas needing more attention. Thanks for reminding me, Glenn.

Back in May, I went back over the Cullum line, filling in gaps mainly from 1911 census records newly accessible on Ancestry. Three extra offspring emerged for Herbert Cullum and wife Mary Ann (previously Pye):

  • Cecil Herbert, born 1905 Norwich.
  • Bertie Robert b 1907 Yarmouth
  • Kate Emma b 1907 Yarmouth.

Kate and Bertie must be twins, with identical birth registration references. Bertie’s death registration gives a date of birth of 22nd June, which confirms that a death for a Kate Emma Cullum, in Northallerton N Yorks 1993, must be that of his sister, presumably unmarried.

Older sister Hilda Edith, born Norwich 1896, was already on the tree. She was still at the family home of 79 Rosebery Road at 1942 (she is mentioned in William John Cullum‘s will). She may have married Harry Whitney in 1944 – no offspring found for this couple.

Oyster Bay and California

Cecil provides interest by appearing in Ancestry’s Passenger List database several times. He is a private chauffeur, and at 1928 is living in Oyster Bay, New York. In 1938 a son, William H age 8, is on the passenger list with him but no wife {2}. Fortunately wife Vera is present in the 1940 census, again Oyster Bay. I haven’t found a 1930 USA census yet (the earliest travel record is for 1922 when Cecil is down as a mechanical engineer).

A speculative match on Ancestry suggests that William H Cullum may have become Dr Cullum, and was living in Los Angeles when he died in 2003. {4}

A Fish for Bertie

Bertie married Muriel Fish in Norwich, 1934, living to 1981. Muriel was born 1907 too and is likely to have passed on, but no record found so far {3}. What is more tantalising, particularly for my known Cullum cousin, is the likelihood that their son, born in  Norwich in 1936, is still around (possible wife Havens and 3 children born in the ’60s).

Cutlock & Co avoids publishing details of living individuals as far as possible, to protect privacy etc. but would dearly love to hear from any of these relations or their close connections.


1. Also see Cutlock and Cullum family page.

2. Vera Cullum appears on her own on a different passenger list in 1938 – arriving New York from Bahamas on 14th April, listed as a US citizen. Cecil and William return from England on 2nd May, listed under alien passengers. Vera was born April 1899 in Pontypool, Wales, but maiden name (or wedding) not yet discovered. UPDATE, Aug 2015: the marriage in Manhattan has now appeared on Ancestry hints – 16 Aug 1927, Vera Evelyn Pitt.

3. Revisiting this article in August 2013, prompted by AN Other visiting the Cullum pages, a further Google finds Muriel Cullum’s obit – she died in 2009, age 101. This names her child and grandchildren, confirming I’m on the right track.

4. UPDATE Aug 2015: A simple Google search on name and date/place of death reveals an obituary in the Los Angeles Times for William “Bill” Cullum – he was a professional golfer, involved in university sport and must have gained his doctorate in a subject related to that.

Bill was the head golf professional at the Dublin Lake Club, NH. Retired head golf coach at CSU Northridge (California State University Northridge) and full professor coached five NCAA division 2 golf championship teams and elected into the Golf Coaches Hall of Fame. Earned a doctorate at USC (University of Southern California?) …

The Bill Cullum Invitational, an inter-college golf tournament was re-named “after the legendary Northridge men’s golf coach” in 2006. The obit also mentions his two children but sadly not his wife. The 2011 Bill Cullum invite had a little more on his success (and a small photo), but web link gone at December 2019.



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2 responses to “A Cullum update”

  1. Martin avatar

    My grandfather was called Herbert Cullum, born in Norwich ca. 1900; married Evelyn Smith and moved to Bradford Yorkshire. His brother, William Cullum lived in Sprowston, Norwich until his death. William is survived by two children: Leslie, who still lives in Sprowston and June (married Stanley Blazer) who also still lives in Norfolk.
    Is this info. of any use? Does it tie in with your family tree, or extend it even further???

    1. ahcutlock avatar

      Thanks for your interest, Martin. I’m afraid there’s no visible connection to your Cullums. There may be one in the distant past of course.

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