A few old photographs have thrown a whole lot of new light onto the great aunt and uncle who separately left Norwich for the relative wilds of Canada.
Gayle, a second cousin once removed and living in that country, has been looking into her family history for longer than me and has got a collection of photos not just of her ancestors going back to Robert Neal and Mary Earl but also Robert’s sister Alice. Links to earlier articles giving more details on their history are in the Notes below.
These images have been selected as spanning a range of dates and subjects. The first one will be turn of the century – about 1900.

Alice Neal, a couple of years younger than Robert, went out to Canada in 1894, a couple of years after he first arrived. She married Alexander Reid in Winnipeg in 1902. This photo has been labelled Christmas 1921 but from the ages of the children must have been taken 1916/17 – George, John, Jessie, Helen and Alexander. One more than I had located originally.

Betty Neal (Elizabeth Mary) was born to Nellie Neal (youngest daughter of Bob and Mary) in 1931, and brought up by her grandparents.

And here’s Nellie Kennedy, as Betty’s mother later became. See the Neal gallery for her in younger days.

A good time to be getting to see previously unknown relatives.
1. More on Neals in Canada on Cutlock & Co:
- Oak River sledge to school.
- Turning an absence into a presence (finding Alice in Canada)
- Alice arrives in Canada
- America/ Canada families.
The Neals in Canada photo gallery has been updated, and will include one or two photos from here. There is also now a Neals at home (Norwich) photo page.
2. Robert Neal born 16 Oct 1873 Norwich died 26 (or 27) Aug 1945 Manitoba, Alice born 21 June 1875 Norwich died 10 Sep 1939 Manitoba.
3. Many thanks to Gayle for both providing these photos and allowing their use on the website.
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